The Virginia State police are operating their mega tax program this weekend on the interstates. The claim is they are going to make us safer by giving out tickets for not wearing our seat belts, even though they promised when the nanny's made the law, that it would be a secondary offense.There is some evidence that primary seat belt enforcement kills more pedestrians, since the drivers feel more secure and drive more aggressively. Let's talk about the speed limit. It's an arbitrary number that some unknown entity charges according to their mood. I can remember the interstate speed limit being everything from 45 to 80, the road didn't change so it must be an arbitrary number. Lots of places change the number to create speed trap tax income. I guess if they could they would do the whole state like out tax collecting State police. Didn't really feel safer today on 81 from Bristol to Blacksburg. Same number of idiots in the left lane. It just seemed like everything ...
My rants and raves on various subjects.