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Showing posts from April, 2010

Gun Control

Just a quick one today! On the anniversary of April 16th many organizations made statements concerning gun control pro and con. Both sides used exaggerations and hyperbole to make their point. The one thing that most disturbs me is the name of many of the anti-gun groups. There needs to be a correction. For example the group: Keep guns off campus Should be: Keep legal and law abiding guns off campus while allowing criminals to continue to carry. You can just add that part in your mind the next time you see a similar group name!

Nosey Neighbors

I live in a small town and have twice had many of my neighbors band together secretly to stop me and or embarrass me concerning political things I was doing. They are Obama Liberals and I am a free thinking Libertarian so their tactics are always covert and sneaky because their arguments cannot withstand the light of day. There is a couple that lives nearby who were very instrumental in both events. How do I know? Well in the first one they signed a petition against me, which was actually a great thing because now I have a signed list of my enemies! In a small southerrn town it's hard to tell who are your friends and who are your enemies because they just talk behind your back and are extra friendly to your face. I think that the friendlier they are to your face the more they hate you. I'm not like that even though I am southern born and raised because both of my parents were from New England. This makes me friendly, talkative, and truthful, unlike my neighbors. Anyway a couple...