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Showing posts from March, 2010

Gun haters with non-logical arguments

So one of my friends went off today on the Virginia law to allow concealed weapons permit holders to go to a restaurant that serves alcohol with their weapon as long as they don't drink. He smirked as he comment that people only go to bars to drink...therefore it's a stupid law. Right now in Virginia people can open carry in a bar and drink...that seems stupider. He just doesn't get that there are lots of people carrying guns in bars right now, most of them bad and he has no idea that they are carrying guns. The main reason this is a good idea is that people, myself included, sometimes want to have lunch or dinner in a place that serves alcohol and not have a drink, but not give up our right to protect ourselves. Some may say that that is what the police are for. Well, I'm not sure who said it, but, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away! We would also rather not leave our firearms in our vehicles while we eat as they could be stolen. The second amendment...

Collection and Solicitation Calls

I'm sure that I will not get a lot of folks arguing with me about unsolicited phone calls. I find they come in two flavors. Collection...usually they are after someone with a similar name who lives in another state or country. I know it's a tough job, but there's a special place in hell for these folks. They must go through some kind of Gestapo, big giant asshole, training before they can start harassing people. They have never heard of regular phone manners like "Hi, this is (insert your name i.e. Satan) calling from (insert that information i.e. Purgatory) calling about some strangers past due bill. The second category is telemarketers. They always seem to call at the most inopportune moments. They also seem to target cellular phones, I guess cause we all got rid of our land lines because of them!

Smoking in airports

It is interesting that there is no place to smoke in airports. It would seem that there are several negative impacts that follow from this. First, it must reduce productivity for the workers or promote illegal activity. Once they start smoking in forbidden areas, their behavior could move towards smuggling stuff on planes for terrorists, just like smoking a little pot leads to heroin. Secondly, all those traveling smokers (40%?) are pissed off and irritable, not to mention the law abiding employees. This creates a potent stew of building anger that could be the reason for the weird blowups that occasionally happen in the check point areas. In the Las Vegas airport, they have these little glass rooms with slot machines in them that used to be the smoking areas. Now they just make the slot machines a little less obnoxious. It seems like you could have a place in airports located near the security checkpoint where people could smoke. It would provide relief to a large number of employees ...

Waiting in line!

Waiting at the (Fill in your favorite store) as several customers work their way through the line ahead of you. Finally, it's your turn and the phone rings. The clerk runs over and answers the phone and begins to instruct the obviously elderly person on the other end on the subleties of the hours that (Fill in your favorite store) are open. At this point do you: a. Scream "Hey Bitch, I was here first!" b. Wait patiently until the hours have been repeated 22 times and the clerk returns to check you out. c. Quietly lay down your potential purchase and slink out of the store. You decide.

Required Doctor Visits

So, I call the pharmacy and ask for a refill on my prescription. They say I have no refills so they will call the doctor. The next day I stop by and find out that the doctors office told them I need to make an appointment and come in. Why do I hear this from my drug store? Anyway, I call the doctors office and my doctor is off today...hmmm. So I say, look, I'm going out of town and I need a refill on my allergy medicine that I have been taking for 11 years prescribed by my doctor I have been seeing for 15 years, can you help a brother out? Their reply? No!! Got to come in. Apparently, I have not been to see the doctor since 2007. Feeling pretty good actually! Just having a little pollen issue. Been having it for many years. But I will have to go pay the $40 or whatever the gatekeeper for my prescriptions wants to provide relief. (remember, the doctor is off so I'm going to see a nurse practitioner!) not counting the loss of income for waiting in the office for several hours u...

Facebook Changes

Facebook is pretty complicated to begin with then they change the entire format every 3 months or so! When they do, they do it gradually so if you are one of the first ones, other people thing you are crazy. If you are one of the later ones, you think everyone else is crazy. It's a no win situation. Guess we are all crazy!
People who say "have a blessed day" right after they tried to scam you in some way. In fact, it seems many people who wear their religion on their sleeves or cars as the case may be, don't seem too willing to turn the other cheek.

Non-pint "pint" Glasses

Some bars serve beer in "shaker" glasses. They look just like pint glasses but have a thicker bottom. They only hold 14 oz max and usually only have about 12 oz in them. Conversely, some establishments serve their beer in an Imperial Pint. These hold 18 oz so even with a nice head you get at least 16oz i.e. a pint. A great way to find out is to order a draft and then order a 12 oz bottled beer for your second one. Pour it in your glass from the draft and note how full it is. Remember that even a real pint glass holds a lot at the top since it's the widest portion of the glass.

Daylight Saving Time

Here we go, "Springing Forward" out of control. Why? Anyone know? Not me, just my annual week of sluggish half assed work. I imagine that national productivity goes down this week. I've seen stories saying that heart attacks go up. We saw several deer hit by cars, perhaps the cars showed up an hour early today!!! Surprise, surprise. Somebody let me know if they can think of s good reason.

People "Cruising " in the left lane on the interstate.

It almost seems like we are living in Bizarro world from the old Superman comics. Driving down Interstate 81 in Virginia today there were more people consistantly in the left lane than the right. I know everyone likes to argue about speeders and tailgaters, but the main thing is we have just become a selfish, mean society. We try to punish the speeders, but don't we have plenty of cops for that? As a matter of fact, people don't get tickets they deserve, because they are stuck behind squatters in the left lane.