I recently flew from Denver to Lynchburg and was chosen by TSA to experience the naked person scanner. Out of curiosity I went ahead and went into the machine. They had me take everything out of my pockets and hold it in my hands over my head. Then they yelled at me because my feet weren't in the little feet pictures on the floor.. The machine swirled around me and they told me to step out and stand on some more stupid looking feet things on the floor. They then stared out into space, not a word to me about what was going on, and then asked if I had something in my pocket. I checked and did not. He said there was a piece of paper in there...why would a piece of paper be a concern anyway...I thought they were looking for guns and explosives! So then he felt me up in my groin and on my leg. After he was satisfied there was nothing in my pocket, duh, he let me go. What a waste of the taxpayers money.
I heard that the guy who sells this salted gold mine of a security device used to run some government agency and has friends in high places. Good work if you can get it, i.e. selling unnecessary and nonworking very expensive machines that annoy the flying public!
My wife doesn't want to fly anywhere that uses the machine so we will definitely be reducing our flying by at least 1/2. I'm not sure I want to go through that again myself.
Everyone should write their congressperson and senators to get rid of this crap!
I heard that the guy who sells this salted gold mine of a security device used to run some government agency and has friends in high places. Good work if you can get it, i.e. selling unnecessary and nonworking very expensive machines that annoy the flying public!
My wife doesn't want to fly anywhere that uses the machine so we will definitely be reducing our flying by at least 1/2. I'm not sure I want to go through that again myself.
Everyone should write their congressperson and senators to get rid of this crap!
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